Date(s) - 22/09/2013
14:00 - 17:00
CoCo's Keuken
In many countries, same sex couples cannot legally marry and raise children together. They are excluded from adoption and shared parenthood. Wherever people strive for equal rights, there will be photographers who show that same sex couples share the same parental love as heterosexual couples. These ‘activist family portraits’ are the subject of a special event Pride Photo Award organizes at the start of the first Dutch Photo Week, which is themed: “Look! My family” (Sunday Sept. 22, Oude Kerk Amsterdam).
The event will include interviews with photographers who made activist family portraits. Panel guests will discuss the effectiveness of the series.
Guest’ List (current):
• Martijn Gijsbertsen, who received a Pride Photo Award 2013 Special Mention for ‘Daddy Cool’, a series that shows the diversity of gay fatherhood in the Netherlands.
• Joelle de Vries who received a Pride Photo Award 2013 Special Mention for with the series ‘Pure’, a series of children’s portraits at the age between eight and twelve, a period that gender norms have not yet dominated their appearance.
• Paul Koeleman, winner of Pride Photo Award 2011, who will talk about his series ‘Good Old Gays’, a series of portraits of same sex couples who have lived together for more than thirty years.