Wij zijn er voor Amsterdam en omstreken.

2013: COC Amsterdam e.o presenteert het RAINBOW-project: een nieuw lespakket voor voorlichting op scholen
1 april 2016: Amsterdam viert 15 jaar homohuwelijk met I Amsterdam in regenboogkleuren
30 augustus 2015: Amsterdam schaft verplichte geslachtsregistratie op gemeentelijke formulieren af
2014: oprichting van AmsterdamPinkPanel, een onderzoekspanel voor veiligheid van LHBT Amsterdammers
1 maart 2023: Op 1 maart ondertekenden 14 partijen het provinciaal regenboogstembus akkoord 2023.
2016; COC Amsterdam e.o. bestaat zeventig jaar!
8 april 2013: groot protest in Amsterdam tijdens bezoek Poetin
2015: start Cocktail, maatjesproject voor LHBT asielzoekers in Amsterdam en Almere
2021: COC Amsterdam bestaat 75 jaar!
5 december 2015: Amsterdam vangt LHBT-vluchtelingen die daaraan behoefte hebben apart op.
2016: EuroPride in Amsterdam

Doe mee!

Op verschillende manieren kun jij helpen om onze activiteiten in Amsterdam en omgeving mogelijk te maken, voor nu en de toekomst.

Steun COC

Russian Queerfest 2014 (18-27 sept)

25 september 2014 -

Russia Queerfest - COC Amsterdam“QueerFest”, the queer pride event of Russia, opened in St. Petersburg with a bang. Over 160 people made it, despite the last minute change of venues, attacks by provocateurs, and insults by the usual guest – Vitaly Milonov.

Last week, the organizers learned of the planned actions to foil the event by infamous homophobic activists, some of them, such as “Enteo” and co., coming especially for the festival from Moscow.

The police and the ombudsman for human rights of St. Petersburg were alerted.

1,5 hours before the festival was scheduled to open, the owner of the building (same building that hosts “Manifesta 10” biennale headquarters) informed us through his representative that our contract was annulled. Reason given “compromised integrity of the arch over the entrance of the building, which may result in its collapse”. Needless to say, this public threat did not impede all other events in the building to proceed as planned.

Volunteers of the festival moved the exhibition and equipment to a new venue in under 1 hour.

The ceremony was a success. While QueerFest’s security barricaded the door from Vitaly Milonov and his friends, who proceeded to insult and push guests, representatives of human rights organizations and European and the US diplomatic missions in St. Petersburg spoke of the importance of respect for human rights and non-violence.

About 20 hooligans sprayed guests with green substance and some sort of putrid gas. At one point, two foreign guests were being pulled into the venue by the security while being pulled out by their feet by the perpetrators.

The police, who carried themselves professionally, were taking numerous statements by the victims, while St. Petersburg ombudsman urged more people to document violations.

Unfortunately, the second venue also ceded to pressures, and most events are now homeless. But the organizers remain optimistic.

We feel exhausted and exhilarated. Thanks to the work of 40 volunteers, partners, and random kindness by strangers and by passers, our event was a success. People – their rights – but also their light and kindness, is what our festival is all about. And there are more of them around us every day. That is why we will prevail”, says Polina Andrianova, one of the festival organizers.

The organizers thank all partners, friends, volunteers, colleagues, participants, as well as the police and the ombudsman, for today’s support.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.975125119180480.1073741836.147727131920287&type=3

Buitenland, Homo-emancipatie
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